Tickets and opening times
Tickets and opening times
Below all the information necessary to organize your visit:
The Museum is open every day from Monday to Sunday 09-30 am-5.30 pm (last admission at 5.00 pm)
Closed: 7th, 25th, 26th December; 1st January – Easter – 1st May – 15th August
Exceptions: 24th and 31st December open 9.30-15.00 (last admission 14.30). Closed only afternoons 15.00-17.30
Theater Visibility: The Museum Ticket also allows visitors to take a look inside the Theater Hall directly from the Third Order boxes. This is possible only if there are no rehearsals, performances or public events taking place.
Museum Tickets
Open Ticket: € 15,00* Valid for one entry on a day of your choice (until 31/12/2025), at the time you prefer, with fast track
Full price: € 12,00*
Reduced: € 8,00* Students 6 years and up, Seniors (65+), Visitors with a ticket from Gallerie d’Italia, Amici di Brera
Groups (minimum 15 paying participants): € 8.00* for person. Reservation recommended (Phone: 02 9990 1919 – Email organized groups: [email protected])
Schools: € 4,00* for student (school groups accompanied by teachers/professors who are entitled to one free ticket for every 10 students). Reservations recommended (Phone: 02 9990 1919 – Email organized groups: [email protected])
Family: €20,00* Valid for 2 adults + 1 or 2 children up to 5 years
Family Junior: € 25,00* Valid for 2 adults + 1 or 2 children aged between 6 and 14 years old
Free entrance: Children 6 years and under, Disabled people, Guides and tour leaders, ICOM members, Soldiers in uniform, Abbonati Teatro alla Scala, Abbonamento Musei Lombardia,YesMilano City Pass .
*excluding online purchase fees