Tickets and opening times

Tickets and opening times

Below all the information necessary to organize your visit:

The Museum is open every day from Monday to Sunday 09-30 am-5.30 pm (last admission at  5.00 pm)

Closed: 7th, 25th, 26th December; 1st January – Easter – 1st May – 15th August

Exceptions: 24th and 31st December open 9.30-15.00 (last admission 14.30). Closed only afternoons 15.00-17.30

Theater Visibility: The Museum Ticket also allows visitors to take a look inside the Theater Hall directly from the Third Order boxes. This is possible only if there are no rehearsals, performances or public events taking place.

Best view

Museum Tickets

Open Ticket: € 15,00* Valid for one entry on a day of your choice (until 31/12/2025), at the time you prefer, with fast track

Full price: € 12,00*

Reduced: € 8,00* Students 6 years and up, Seniors (65+), Visitors with a ticket from Gallerie d’Italia, Amici di Brera

Groups (minimum 15 paying participants): € 8.00* for person. Reservation recommended (Phone: 02 9990 1919 – Email organized groups: [email protected])

Schools:  4,00* for student (school groups accompanied by teachers/professors who are entitled to one free ticket for every 10 students). Reservations recommended (Phone: 02 9990 1919 – Email organized groups: [email protected])

Family: €20,00* Valid for 2 adults + 1 or 2 children  up to 5 years

Family Junior: € 25,00* Valid for 2 adults + 1 or 2 children aged between 6 and 14 years old

Free entrance: Children 6 years and under, Disabled people, Guides and tour leaders, ICOM members, Soldiers in uniform, Abbonati Teatro alla Scala, Abbonamento Musei Lombardia,YesMilano City Pass .

*excluding online purchase fees

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