Georg Nikolaus Niessen – Biography of W.A. Mozart, curated by Marco Murara, Editore Zecchini 2018
Georg Nikolaus Niessen – Biography of W.A. Mozart, curated by Marco Murara, Editore Zecchini 2018

Published by Zecchini, 2018
Nissen’s Mozart Biography is an essential step in the Mozart bibliographic tradition: thanks to its dimension the book can be considered the first real biography dedicated to the composer from Salzburg.
From “Tutte le lettere di Mozart. L’epistolario completo della famiglia Mozart, 1755-1791″ (“Mozart’s letters. Mozart’s Family’s complete Correspondence, 1755-1791”) by Marco Murara to “Il diario di Nannerl Mozart” (“Nannerl Mozart’s Diary”) by Olimpio Cescatti, Nissen’s Mozart’s Biography integrates the publications of Zecchini Editore dedicated to Mozart’s historical documents.
Nissen’s Mozart’s Biography is a book that remained for a long time – for better or worse – the point of reference for entire generations of Mozart biographers.
Reading this Mozart’s Biography today means being able to find the roots of many “myths” that along the years have been spreading around the figure of Mozart. In addition to this, it is possible to start going to the fascinating discovery of the critical-musical literature published around Mozart in the first decades after his death. This Italian translation gives the reader the opportunity to become acquainted with the unabridged text of this historical document and, at the same time, thanks to the detailed and precise references to the sources, it seeks to make a contribution to furthering the critical survey and the study of the bibliographical tradition regarding Mozart.
Marco Murara was born in 1976 and raised in Trento, where he studied during the high school and during the university. In 1999 he graduated in law. At the age of 28, after deeper giuridical studies in Padova, Murara won the notarile competition becoming one of the youngest notary in Italy) and he was nominated notary in Egna (BZ) where he is still currently working. Murara is living in Bolzano since six years and his field of interest covers 16th century music and astronomy. In 2004, together with professor Bruno Bianco, Murara published The Mozart’s Biography that includes all the vocal composition’s texts, and the first collection of all the texts Mozart set to music furnished with original translations, comments and index. Murara is a member of the Scientific Committee of Mozart’s Italia Association. In 2002 he founded the online discussion group, dedicated to 16th century culture. Last but not least, Murara has been one of the contributors of the Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers curated by prof. Thomas Hockey, the most important work in its genre at an international level, published in 2007.