Alvin Curran
Alvin Curran
The Work
A never-before seen musical texture takes shape from "the wide collection of recordings, sigle tones, few seconds fragments, unusual high tones, E and F, and deep volcanic D basses", the composer recounts. Through these tracks, digitally processed by sewuenced processes of "dilatation, fragmentation, granulation, hyperbolic transposition, layered counterpoint", a figure of Callas beyond Callas is traced

Alvin Curran is an American musician and composer. He moved to Rome in 1964, where, during the 1960s he became active in Trastevere, beginning his research on concrete sounds, through the recording and collecting of everyday life sounds. In 1966, together with Frederic Rzewski, Allan Bryant and Richard Teitelbaum, he founded the free improvisation group Musica Elettronica Viva (MEV). In 1969, thanks in part to the joint work of Fabio Sargentini's L'Attico Gallery and Simone Carelladel Beat '72, the Roman musical scene gets in touch with the American minimalist scene, and Curran had the opportunity to make friends with some of the leading exponents of this movement. The result was a new musical path, in which the inspirations of the American minimalists were absorbed and reworked, resulting in a series of albums and concerts that also greatly influenced subsequent espressions of Italian experimental rock.